5-31 Autocorrect Philosophy

My phone autocorrects “live” to “love.”  It’s been doing it for months.  At first, I thought it was funny, and kind of philosophically sweet.  And then I thought it was annoying.  And now, I think it is appropriate. It’s been a month since Jason died.  Between the head injury and the grief, the details of…

5-23 Grief

I wish I could dissolve in grief. I wish I could lose the voices in my head that tell me to get up, blow your nose, take deep breaths, one foot in front of the other, keep going. I wish I would dissolve into nothing but tears and sorrow and grief and cease to be…

5-19 Surreal, Catastrophic, and other vocabulary words

I’ve re-read Jason’s obituary dozens of times.  I wrote the damn thing, yet I still read it and reread, as if that will somehow make me understand that this is real.  As if somehow I can make myself comprehend that this is real forever, and it will never change.  Jason will never come home.  He’s…

5-16 Injury details

For those who are squeamish, you may not want the rest of these details.  I’m not going to get super graphic, but I am going to spell out what happened to me and Jason and where my body is at now. I have exactly one split-second memory of the accident, so the next few things…