9-19 Legal Summary: Part 2, Less Facts More Feelings

I want to acknowledge that I consented to her plea deal.  I knew what I was doing when I made that choice, and I do think this is the easiest choice for me and for Jason’s immediate family.  I think that the plea deal is overall a good thing.  But that doesn’t mean I have…

9-19 Legal Summary: Part 1, The Factual Version

On Monday, they started the pre-trial stuff for the trial of Chelsea Haynes.  Monday morning was spent discussing what images were allowable (the defense attorney tried to argue that no images should be allowed.  That didn’t fly.), if the jury or the judge would determine sentencing and the aggravating factors in the case, and other…

9-14 Yet Another Legal Update

EDIT This is a full trial.  It is expected to last a week or two.  If you want to show up for any part of it you are welcome in the courtroom on any day.  Please read the rest of this blog about that. I know I’ve been short on posts about things that aren’t…

8-10 Grief Filters

I’m struggling to remember Jason as he lived and as my partner.  Right now, I am focused on the hole his absence has created in my life.  I have been for a while.  This feels selfish. I understand that for each of us, his death is filtered through our relationship with him.  I feel the…

7-28 A Brief Legal Update

The title is a pun, in case you missed it.  It is probably the only light-hearted thing about this post.  It is also inaccurate, because this is a very long post. There was a hearing on Wednesday.  As usual, it takes me a little while to process and regurgitate the information. The short version is…

6-30 Good News, Bad News

It has been an eventful week. On Tuesday, the Violent Crimes Apprehension Team brought Haynes into custody. Two (nearly three) weeks ago, the Victim’s Advocate called me and told me that they would be actively searching for Haynes.  I was also told not to make that public knowledge, on the off chance that she was…